
Thoughts, opinions and advice from Cubit Technology

  • What is BIMI? And how can it enhance my email security?

    What is BIMI? And how can it enhance my email security?  Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) is a new email specification designed to build security and trust between email senders and recipients by allowing brands to display their logos.  Over 3 billion emails are sent every day – in fact, it’s the most popular

    11 June 2024
  • Minimise Staff Turnover and Retain Creative Talent with an IT MSP

    Minimise Staff Turnover and Retain Creative Talent with an IT MSP Contrary to all the recent hype, the creative industry has not been taken over by generative AI tools, it’s still a people business. It’s humans who interface with clients and interpret business requirements, derive creative strategies and approaches and guide the technology that produces the output.

    28 May 2024
  • AR isn’t VR – it’s even better!

    AR isn’t VR – it’s even better! What is AR? Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology used to overlay digital information onto the real world. This will include images, videos, or 3D models. Developers have explored the technology for decades. In recent years, the market for AR and VR has widened as developers find more

    26 March 2024
  • The Future of VR Work – Apple Vision Pro or Meta Quest 3?

    The Future of VR Work – Apple Vision Pro or Meta Quest 3? Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that creates immersive, interactive and realistic experiences in a computer-generated environment. VR presents its users with a new way to explore, learn and create. We typically use VR headsets to access these environments, but sometimes we

    6 March 2024
  • Microsoft’s AI Release, Copilot, Has Security Implications

    Microsoft’s AI Release, Copilot, Has Security Implications In the realm of science fiction, artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a staple. From chess-playing machines to self-driving cars, AI has been imagined in countless forms. Today, these visions are becoming a reality, thanks to advancements in machine learning and deep learning.   What is Machine Learning?

    20 February 2024
  • A Guide on IT Onboarding Best Practices in 2024

    A Guide on IT Onboarding Best Practices in 2024 A guide for IT to streamline the process of setting up new employees with the necessary tools and access.   Budgeting An IT team plays a crucial role in ensuring that new employees have a smooth and productive start at the company. The IT onboarding process

    15 February 2024
  • Overcoming Remote Work Obstacles with Managed IT Services

    Overcoming Remote Work Obstacles with Managed IT Services The number of UK businesses operating entirely onsite reduced from 57% to 30% following the pandemic. Implementing a work-from-home (WFH) model can be especially challenging for creative agencies based in London. Transitioning to a WFH model will impact your business. However, partnering with an IT managed service

    31 January 2024
  • Microsoft 365 Copilot Boosts Creativity and Productivity

    Microsoft 365 Copilot Boosts Creativity and Productivity Microsoft 365 Copilot AI claims to be the most powerful productivity tool on the planet. We’ll break down each updated Microsoft 365 app, and share how it can improve your productivity and creativity. What is Microsoft 365 Copilot? Microsoft 365 Copilot is a new AI machine learning tool

    9 January 2024
  • 7 IT Solutions for Your Small Business Growth Strategy

    7 IT Solutions for Your Small Business Growth Strategy Successful business owners understand that long-term success relies on strategic choices. Ensure that you have enough time to plan and develop a growth strategy. Your strategy will inform decision-making in all areas of your business. IT solutions can help you overcome small business obstacles like limited

    2 January 2024
  • Transforming Creative Agencies with Managed IT Support

    Transforming Creative Agencies with Managed IT Support In the creative industry, where ideas flow freely, IT issues can create restraints that creative agencies simply don’t need! Creative agencies face unique challenges when trying to balance flexibility and security. Cubit Technology is a managed IT services specialist, offering tailored solutions that go beyond basic IT support.

    18 December 2023
  • Showcasing Your Agency’s Expertise: Leveraging AI for Case Studies

    Maximize Your Agency’s Proficiency with AI Marketing and creative agencies are constantly vying for the spotlight, proving that they have what it takes to serve clients with marketing and creative projects that help them to stand out from their competition. One key way to do this, is through case studies, which is an area where

    19 October 2023
  • How To Systematise Your Tender Proposals Using AI

    Utilize AI to Establish a Systematic Approach for Your Tender Proposals Creating proposal documents in response to tenders can be a time-consuming process for agencies. What if there was a way to save time and be efficient, while avoiding compromising the quality and the effectiveness of your proposals? In this piece, we will give you

    18 October 2023
  • AI for Tender Writing: Key Benefits for Creative Agencies

    Can AI really help in Tender Proposal Creation for Creative Agencies? Another area where AI is adding value to creative agencies, is in tender writing processes. Because tenders require a comprehensive, tailored and precise response in order to be successful, AI does not offer a silver-bullet for this area, but it can make the process

    17 October 2023
  • AI-Generated Music and Soundtracks: Elevating Brand Storytelling

    AI-Generated Music and Soundtracks: Elevating Brand Storytelling Another key area where AI is driving value for creative businesses such as marketing and PR agencies, is AI-generated music. Whether it’s a company jingle or a cheerful soothing ambience for a video, AI is also transforming the creation of soundtracks that sell. In this piece we will

    5 October 2023
  • Unleashing Creativity: AI-Powered Visual Content and Video Editing

    AI-Powered Visual Content and Video Editing The value that AI can bring to creative businesses also carries through into the creation of visual content. This goes beyond making it faster and more efficient, it also includes features that improve the look, feel and pull of images and videos for target audiences. In this blog piece,

    4 October 2023
  • Predictive Analytics for Creatives: Forecasting Marketing Trends with AI

    Can AI really forecast market trends? The rise of the newest generation of AI and its adoption across a range of industries is helping to sharpen their competitive edge like never before. The marketing and creative industries are no exception! Regardless of their size, marketing agencies across London and beyond are tapping into data-driven analytics

    3 October 2023
  • AI-Driven Marketing Attribution: Understanding Campaign Effectiveness

    Discover campaign efficiency with AI Marketing agencies stand to derive big benefits from using AI-driven marketing attribution tools. Not only do these tools pinpoint which campaigns and methods are performing the best, they also optimise resource allocation and assist with giving a crystal-clear picture to clients about the impact that your efforts are having. AI

    2 October 2023
  • AI-Enabled Chatbots: Elevating Customer Support and Engagement

    AI-Enabled Chatbots In recent years, AI-enabled chatbots have become increasingly sophisticated tools for engaging customers, collecting information and providing customer service. These tools can provide strategic value that enhance user experiences and drive conversions, making them a valuable tool for marketing agencies to lean on.   In this final article in our AI-series for creative agencies,

    10 September 2023
  • Boosting Conversions with AI-Enhanced A/B Testing and Optimisation

    AI-enhanced A/B testing can boost conversions for your company! Success in the dynamic world of marketing hinges on driving conversions and achieving tangible results. Over the years, the art of A/B testing has long been a go-to strategy. But what if we told you there’s a way to supercharge your A/B testing efforts and add

    8 September 2023
  • Crafting Tailored Marketing Campaigns with AI-Powered Personalisation

    Use AI to tailor your marketing campaigns Marketing, PR and design agencies in London are at the heart of creating some of the most cutting-edge campaigns for brands across the world. The creative landscape is shifting because of new AI-driven technologies that are also becoming increasingly accessible. Many creative agencies are seizing the opportunity that

    6 September 2023
  • Top AI Tools for Social Media Management and Content Scheduling

    Power your social media with these AI tools A range of challenges face marketing teams trying their best to deliver excellent results on social media; the complexities of adapting content to different platforms, engaging a range of audiences, and distributing social media content seamlessly across all channels and at the optimal times.   This can certainly

    4 September 2023
  • Understanding Your Audience: AI-Driven Customer Insights and Analytics

    Take advantage of AI analytics to understand your audience Marketing and design agencies are tasked with crafting compelling campaigns that not only capture attention, but also resonate deeply with their target audiences. The key to achieving this lies in understanding your audience on a profound level. Like other industries, AI is making a splash in

    4 September 2023
  • Leveraging AI in Email Marketing: Personalisation and Automation Strategies

    AI can empower your email marketing strategies Email marketing remains a powerful tool for connecting businesses with their audiences, but it is also evolving at a rapid pace. Without personalisation, data-driven insights and a human-touch, this key method for connecting with your audience will not be working to its full potential. In this piece, we

    2 September 2023
  • Creating Compelling Content at Scale: How AI is Revolutionising Content Creation

    Create new content with the help of AI You could have devised one of the best marketing strategies in the world, but if the content is poor, it will land flat on its face. At scale, AI has a role to play in enhancing content creation, but at this stage, we know it’s not to

    2 September 2023
  • Streamlining Your Marketing Workflow with AI-Powered Automation

    AI automation can streamline your business workflow The emergence of a new generation of AI has created a range of opportunities for automation wherever you look. Whether its finance, sales, operations or leveraging your data to drive enhanced value, automation is becoming a key method for driving a razor-sharp competitive edge for businesses today. One

    1 September 2023
  • Cybersecurity tips: How to protect your online data so you can enjoy the digital world with confidence

    Do you need some cybersecurity tips? It’s great to live in a world where the Internet makes everything easier, from communicating with your loved ones to buying clothes and using banking services. But all these benefits come at a cost, making you vulnerable to several cybersecurity threats that compromise your privacy. In this digital age,

    19 August 2023
  • Top 5 Things to Achieve from IT in 2023

    Best IT achievements to do in 2023 Businesses are increasingly using technology in their daily operations. At Cubit Technology, we’re dedicated to helping digital marketing agencies in London and beyond to tap into the powerful potential that IT has to create a seamless, integrated, and smooth digital experience that empowers their operations and growth. Here

    16 June 2023
  • 8 Time Management Hacks for Busy Marketing Agency Owners

    Are you wasting time in your marketing agency? With marketing agency owners working at the forefront of a dizzying and fast paced digital world, it is no surprise that many owners can find their lives are becoming busier and dizzying too! This piece will give eight simple and powerful hacks for time management, that will

    16 June 2023
  • 7 Ways for Marketing Agencies to Keep Up-to-Date with Industry Trends

    Keep up with new industry trends with these 7 solutions With the innovative pace of the marketing space continuing to gain speed, staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends is vital for success. As consumer behaviour, technology, and strategies evolve, marketing agencies must adapt and stay ahead of the curve to deliver campaigns that outshine

    16 June 2023
  • IT Support Essentials for the Modern Workplace

    Modern workplace essentials Today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape presents a vista of great opportunities and threats. For businesses, reliable, integrated and efficient IT support is crucial for the continued smooth and secure operation of their workplaces. As organisations increasingly depend on technology for their day-to-day activities, a robust IT support system becomes essential to address

    16 June 2023
  • Managed Provider Checklist: What Should Your Provider be Doing?

    Is your provider doing the things on this checklist? In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the role of IT leaders has converted from being a cost centre to a vital source of organisational progression and success. However, IT leaders often find it challenging to distribute time for innovation and digital transformation due to the demands

    6 June 2023
  • Managing employees who are based abroad

    In today’s global business climate, managing employees who are based abroad is becoming more common. Thanks to advances in technology, remote working, and shifts in workplace culture, it’s predicted that a billion people could be living and working as digital nomads by 2035; the equivalent of one in three employees. There are currently 35 million

    1 June 2023
  • Pricing for Profit: How Marketing Agencies Can Set Prices that Ensure Long-Term Success

    Are your prices tailored to long term success? In the competitive, driven world of marketing agencies, setting the right pricing is crucial for long-term success. Pricing strategies directly impact a company’s profitability, market positioning and ability to attract and retain clients. Nonetheless, determining the optimal pricing structure can be tricky, with various factors to consider.

    30 May 2023
  • Client Retention 101: Tips for Keeping Your Creative Clients Happy and Loyal

    Keep your clients happy with these tips! In the competitive world of creative industries, maintaining strong client relationships is essential for long-term success. While acquiring new clients is important, it’s equally crucial to focus on client retention. Happy and loyal clients not only provide a stable revenue stream but also serve as brand advocates, bringing

    25 May 2023
  • Achieving a Stress-Free Transition of IT Support

    Creating a Smooth Transition for IT Support: Strategies for Success Transitioning IT support can be a daunting task for any organisation, but with careful planning and strategic execution, you can achieve a stress-free IT transition that leads to improved efficiency and productivity. In this blog post, we will explore key strategies to ensure a smooth

    20 May 2023
  • 5 Factors to Consider When Choosing an IT Support Provider

    Consider these 5 factors before you choose your IT provider In the UK, IT is one of the most heavily outsourced services, with over 60% of companies outsourcing some aspect of their IT needs to a third party.  From cost-efficient access to a broad range of technical skills to greater time to focus on value-adding

    27 April 2023
  • The 2023 Guide to The Latest Marketing and Advertising Technologies

    Our guide to the new marketing and advertising tech Over the last 20 to 30 years, digital technologies have had an immeasurable impact on our lives both domestically and at work.  Technology has also had a leading role in the way we interact with brands and purchase goods and services, particularly since the early 2000s

    27 April 2023
  • The Best IT Support Provider in London

    Londons best IT support provider In all of our lifetimes, digital technology has had a profound impact on our workplaces.  From the rise in personal computers and the internet to the mobile devices and ever more sophisticated enterprise technology, the last 30 or so years have seen the way we work change beyond all recognition.

    27 April 2023
  • 5 Tools for Better Time Management in Your Creative Agency

    Managed your time better with these 5 tools The old adage ‘time is money’ rings true for all businesses, but it resonates particularly well with creative agencies.  Whether you offer marketing, advertising, branding, design or PR services, time is your main billable commodity. Each billable hour contributes to your bottom line, so you want to

    27 April 2023
  • The 2023 Creative Sector Guide to Data Privacy, Compliance and Cyber Insurance

    Our guide to security within the creative sector There are many factors that contribute to the success of a business, but if there is one asset that has become synonymous with business success in recent years, it’s data. Estimates suggest that the volume of data generated globally doubles every 2 years. As businesses, data is

    3 April 2023
  • 7-Step Lead Generation Plan for Creative, Marketing and Communication Agencies

    Lead Generation Strategy in Seven Steps for Creative, Marketing, and Communication Agencies One of the leading ways creative, marketing and communication agencies generate leads is through referrals, with a recent report suggesting 9 in 10 leads are obtained in this way.   While referrals can be an encouraging sign that your business is delivering a

    3 April 2023
  • Pros and cons of ad hoc vs managed IT

    Pros and cons of ad hoc vs managed IT   Small businesses, especially start-ups find it difficult to justify monthly retainer fees for managed IT support. Instead, a business owner will usually try to deal with IT themselves (or get their Office Manager to do so for them) and then pay an IT engineer on

    23 February 2023
  • My clients are asking about cyber security, what is it & how do I get it?

    Are your clients asking about your cyber security? With the prevalence of remote working and the benefits of storing your data in the cloud rather than a workplace server, keeping your network and data secure from cyber-attacks has never been more important. However, you can keep your network safe with our expert help and advice.

    20 October 2022
  • Do I Buy A New Server, Or Move To The Cloud?

    The cloud vs servers As technology advances, your old server is going to be getting slower to run. Data needs will have increased, and newer apps will be running slowly. It’s time to upgrade, but do you buy a new server, or do you take the opportunity to move to the cloud? We compare some

    29 September 2022
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: A Simple Step That Significantly Reduces Risk

    Our step by step guide to MFA According to IBM, 1 in 5 successful cyber breaches occur as a result of end-user credentials being stolen or misused. The good news is, this is a simple door to close and you probably already have the tools you need to do so, in Multi-Factor Authentication. What is

    1 September 2022
  • Mixing Apples and Pears – Balancing the support demands of PC and Mac users in the workplace

    How to balance the needs of pc and mac users in your company I read an interesting article in the press recently, suggesting that Macs now make up almost a quarter of all connected devices in the workplace. That’s a statistic that might surprise many, as in the minds of a lot of businesses and

    10 June 2022
  • What’s more valuable – your office or your IT?

    Which holds more value, your office or your IT? Students have been known to restrict their spending on food, just so they have enough to spend on alcohol. Some reading this (or writing it) might even have done so. This kind of prioritisation, based on rather skewed value principles, couldn’t happen in a company –

    27 May 2022
  • Growing Business? The right IT provider for you needs more than technical proficiency

    Choose the right provider to grow your business Having ourselves grown considerably over our 14 years in operation, we know that there are many things keeping company business owners and directors up at night: will that key new client finally sign? Who is my next hire? Are my customers happy? What you definitely don’t want

    20 May 2022
  • Is your cybersecurity approach helping you win business?

    Is your cybersecurity approach helping you win business? Cybersecurity – it’s one of those subjects that is everywhere these days, and everyone has a view on what ‘good’ looks like. You might feel that ‘common sense’ is enough for any young business, or that you’re unlikely to be a target due to not being a

    4 April 2022
  • 5 Benefits of Using Dual monitors for remote working

    5 Benefits of Dual Monitors for Remote Working Covid changed the way we work forever by forcing businesses and employees to fully embrace remote working. While many weren’t prepared for such a swift change, many employees now have a home-based office set up and ready for what the future may bring. Now a year on,

    10 May 2021
  • The Future Of Remote and Flexible Working

    The Future Of Remote and Flexible Working In 2020 we saw a major shift in the way we work due to the pandemic. The ability to work from home went mainstream and has now become the norm for most businesses. It has also taught employers the value of having flexible work arrangements. With employees working from

    11 February 2021
  • Box vs Sharepoint – A comparison

    Box or Sharepoint More and more businesses are moving towards a cloud content platform to create a more productive, connected and collaborative workplace. As a result, there are an increasing amount of applications in the file sharing and collaborative business space. Microsoft Sharepoint and Box are two of the most popular business solutions in the

    30 August 2020
  • Microsoft Teams VS Zoom: Which Video Conferencing App is best?

    Microsoft Teams VS Zoom: Which Video Conferencing App is best? Video conferencing applications have become invaluable to businesses during COVID-19. With a workforce almost entirely working remotely, apps such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom have become household names. Both are helping businesses to keep communication flowing and collaboration rolling through video and audio conferencing.Many businesses

    15 July 2020
  • Everything you wanted to know on how to Use Microsoft Teams

    Everything you wanted to know on how to Use Microsoft Teams The coronavirus outbreak has changed the way we do businesses and how employees now work. With a workforce almost entirely working remotely, this has led to a concern on how a business and its employees can collaborate effectively. Some applications have tried to fill

    30 June 2020
  • Coronavirus scams: How hackers are profiting from Covid-19

    Hackers are benefiting from the coronavirus through scams Many of us are worried what coronavirus will bring next, but for fraudsters, they’re using it as an opportunity to profit. Cyber criminals have been preying on coronavirus fears since the pandemic began. Action Fraud the UK’s online centre for reporting fraud and cyber crime, reported that

    1 June 2020
  • 10 Tips to Securely Work from Home Using Personal IT

    10 Tips to Securely Work from Home Using Personal IT Some businesses were caught off guard by the lockdown and didn’t have a chance to fully enable all of its employees to work from home. What may have resulted was employees having to use personal devices to connect to business systems which can create additional

    15 May 2020
  • Covid-19 and the cyber issues of a remote workforce

    Are your remote workforce experiencing cyber issues? The coronavirus outbreak has impacted businesses around the world whether they were ready for it or not. In March, when the government announced the mandatory shutdowns of offices across the UK, an unprecedented number of people found themselves working from home – indefinitely. As a result, organisations and

    1 May 2020
  • Supporting Your Business With Remote IT Support During Coronavirus

    Supporting Your Business Remotely During Coronavirus Coronavirus has dramatically changed our lives and the way we now work. Social distancing has presented our clients and businesses across London with challenges of enabling employees as a remote workforce. In addition, client contact and working with contractors adds to the complexity of keeping open communications and business

    30 April 2020
  • Coronavirus – Is your business ready?

    Will working remotely keep businesses productive while helping to contain Coronavirus? With more cases of Coronavirus across Britain, the government has estimated that up to a fifth of the workforce may be off sick during its peak in the UK. Oil giant Chevron was the first in the UK to ask its 300 staff not

    30 March 2020
  • End of Support for Windows 7 in 2020 – Do you have an exit strategy?

    Say goodbye to Windows 7! If your business is still running on Windows 7, you have some important decisions to make. Microsoft is officially ending Windows 7 support on14 January 2020. After that, you will no longer receive automatic security updates, potentially leaving your business vulnerable to viruses and other malware. In April, it was

    1 January 2020
  • 10 Cyber Monday security tips for safe online shopping

    10 Cyber Monday security tips for safe online shopping With Black Friday and Cyber Monday looming, your email inbox is already filling up with enticing deals. Most likely mixed with these tempting offers will be a few malicious emails. Almost 91% of all phishing attempts start with an email. Cyber criminals will have laid out

    15 November 2019
  • 5 Tips for Password Security: How secure is your password?

    5 Tips for Password Security: How secure is your password? The internet has been around for over 30 years and not surprisingly we still haven’t learnt our lesson about online password security. With so many high profile hacks last year from British Airways and TicketMaster to Reddit and Marriot, you would think we’d change our

    15 October 2019
  • 10 Most Common Tech Problems for Businesses (and how to fix them)

    10 Most Common Tech Problems for Businesses (and how to fix them) Technology is amazing, but when there’s technical difficulties, things can get frustrating. Yet some common computer problems you might run into can be easily fixed. As an IT Support company, we’ve had to deal with a range of computer and tech issues. Over

    30 September 2019
  • 13 Ways to Protect Your Business from a Cyber Attack

    13 Ways to Protect Your Business from a Cyber Attack Cyber attacks have become a common threat to businesses of all types and sizes. As technology progresses, so are the ways criminals are attacking businesses. It’s estimated that UK businesses have lost at least £30 billion in the past 12 months due to cyber attacks.

    30 July 2019
  • 7 Common Types of Social Engineering Attacks on Businesses

    7 Common Types of Social Engineering Attacks on Businesses We’re constantly hearing in the news about cyber security attacks by hackers who have used their technical expertise to infiltrate businesses and compromise data.  As a result, businesses have stepped up their game when it comes to IT security. However, there is another type of attacker using

    30 June 2019
  • Counting the Costs of IT System Downtime

    Counting the Costs of IT System Downtime We only tend to notice how much we rely on our IT systems when a problem arises. The panic sets in when employees can’t access files or documents to do their work or when customers are phoning up to complain about not being able to use the system.

    21 September 2018
  • Pros and Cons of Hot Desking

    Pros and Cons of Hot Desking The need for static work space is dwindling as more and more rely on cloud computing for business. Less data is being physically stored on employee’s desktop computers, with emails, files, instant messages, and call systems being accessible from any authorised machine or device. This means that employees are

    30 June 2018
  • 5 Tips on Finding the Perfect London IT Support Company

    Find the perfect London IT provider with these 5 tips IT is an important aspect of any business and is something business owners rely on heavily to ensure the smooth running of the operation. Whether it’s a fast internet connection, large memory capabilities or reliable emails, it is important to get it right. Although the

    30 May 2018
  • Surviving Brexit with the Right IT Support

    Pick the right IT support to help your through Brexit The decision to leave the EU was one which left the UK shocked and worried. Many businesses have been left fretting about the future of their business and how they will be able to sustain this transition. Whether you chose to leave or remain, the

    30 April 2018
  • How AI Will Transform Technology Businesses

    How AI Will Transform Technology Businesses More than ever before AI can be found transforming the world around us, with the vast amount of goods and services soon to not only be delivered by AI but controlled and managed completely by artificial intelligence, ensuring that your receivables are exactly what you had requested to your

    30 March 2018
  • 5 Basic Cyber Security Tips for SMEs

    5 Basic Cyber Security Tips for SMEs According to the UK government’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2017 , 1 in 2 small or medium-sized enterprises (SME) experienced a cyber security breach within the preceding 12 months. With SMEs accounting for 99.9% of Britain’s 5.5 million private sector businesses, it is clear that adequate cyber security has

    22 February 2018
  • Helpdesk support – why it can make a difference for your business

    Helpdesk support – why it can make a difference for your business If you run a medium to large company, you are likely to come up against many IT issues from your employees, which can have serious consequences for your business. Whether it’s an issue with the hardware, problems connecting to the internet or email

    1 January 2018
  • Cloud Storage with DataNow

    We want our data and we want it now! We find many companies want to use cloud storage services like OneDrive to give them the accessibility of Dropbox along with the security of a Windows server.  However they’ve hit file limits, experienced replication problems, and suffered compatibility issues between Macs and Windows PCs. Recently we’ve

    21 December 2017
  • Why Help Desk Support Is The Future Of Business

    Peek into the future with help desk support Helpdesk support has been tainted with a negative image since its creation, with many associating it with long wait times, inexperienced and inadequate responses and a frustrating reality in which you’re painstakingly moved from person to person. It doesn’t have to be that way and truly –

    30 November 2017
  • What is Blockchain Technology? A Simple Explanation

    Discover what blockchain tech is with our simplified explanation To the average person, blockchain technology may be a term that you’ve heard thrown around more and more in the media, most commonly in relation to cryptocurrency such as bitcoin. In this article, we will attempt to explain what is blockchain technology  in straight-forward, simple terms

    30 September 2017
  • Are You Managing Your Company Emails Effectively?

    Are You Managing Your Company Emails Effectively? In most businesses, emails are the central hub of the operation and as such, it is important that they are managed effectively. A simple thing such as a missed email could result in a loss of business, such is the importance of getting it right. It is common

    30 August 2017
  • What is Cloud Computing for Business?

    Cloud computing – what is it? These days, most people have heard of cloud computingor, simply, “the cloud”. But many people still don’t quite understand what this means beyond a general awareness of it. In fact, we still see many people making blind assumptions that cloud computing has something to do with literal clouds. Or

    30 July 2017
  • Benefits of Cloud Computing – Is Your Head in the Cloud?

    Benefits of Cloud Computing – Is Your Head in the Cloud? Cloud computing makes life a lot easier for businesses; it allows the transfer of files quickly and efficiently, it is safer than storing documents on the physical PC and it can promote remote working for employees. Cloud services, such as office 365 should be

    30 April 2017
  • London Fibre Internet in the Capital

    New fibre internet in the capital city of London London is well paved to be a fibre city offering super speeds to both businesses and individuals alike through its up and coming infrastructure, with many businesses opting to invest in the different types of fibre connections available. Fibre-to-the-building (FTTB), the fastest fibre connection possible of which replaces

    15 February 2017
  • IT in 2017 and beyond – what trends to expect

    IT in 2017 and beyond – what trends to expect IT is developing at a scarily fast rate and businesses can either embrace it or ignore it; but the latter could mean they are left behind. There are over 2 billion people using smartphones and there will definitely be an increase in this number in

    1 January 2017
  • Can the Right IT Support Really Improve Employee Retention Levels?

    Improve your employee retention levels with the best IT support We live in a world where working arrangements are far more flexible than ever before and the standard 9-5 stint at the office is quickly becoming a thing of the past. As workers try to achieve a better balance between work and life, those companies

    21 August 2016
  • Applications: A Cohesive Aspect Of Modern Tech Innovation

    Applications: A Cohesive Aspect Of Modern Tech Innovation Technology Is Changing Everything Even businesses as far outside traditional Silicon Valley technology firms as the oil industry are finding new and innovative ways to use technology in terms of digital applications and marketing. Especially in regard to analytics and their utility, applications are being designed to provide

    30 June 2016
  • Types of Internet Connections – Get Connected

    Types of Internet Connections – Get Connected Working in offices in London, people often endure ADSL Internet connections that are slower than they get at home. What can you do about this? There are alternative options available on the market for business internet connectivity but procurement and installation can be surprisingly complex. Here is an introduction

    30 May 2016
  • 188 billion emails per day: Why email signatures are key

    188 billion emails per day: Why email signatures are key You send an email from your computer or your mobile device. The email goes via your mail server where Crossware Mail Signature attaches all of your branding, contact details and the appropriate disclaimer and advertisements depending on the recipient or sender of the email. The

    21 April 2016
  • Different Types of Internet Connections – Get Yourself Connected

    Discover the types of internet connections Working in offices in London, people often endure ADSL Internet connections that are slower than they get at home. What can you do about this? There are alternative options available on the market for business internet connectivity but procurement and installation can be surprisingly complex. Here is an introduction and

    30 January 2016
  • CEO Email Scams

    CEO Email Scams Please be aware of a new trend in email fraud which the media have now dubbed “whaling” but is also known as “spear phishing”.  Several of Cubit’s customers have been targeted with these fraudulent emails recently and they can be very convincing. Here are some tips for spotting them more easily and

    30 October 2015