How AI Will Transform Technology Businesses
- 30 March 2018
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- Categories: News, Technology

More than ever before AI can be found transforming the world around us, with the vast amount of goods and services soon to not only be delivered by AI but controlled and managed completely by artificial intelligence, ensuring that your receivables are exactly what you had requested to your very specifications.
Examples of a more simpler form of AI in action can already be seen on apps across the spectrum, with Google Maps using anonymised location data from smartphones utilising the maps function on their journeys to then analyse the speed of traffic at any given time, offering users the fastest way to get to their designated location.More advanced examples of AI can be seen in the wonders carried out by American automaker and sustainable energy company Tesla, with their vehicles using AI to control the vehicles drive through machine learning that is programmed to understand the road network around us more than a human ever could.
Although Elon Musk, the organisations’ first chairman is a prominent figure against standing out against the risks artificial intelligence could bring upon us in the future, going as far as to say that AI is the “most likely cause of WW3”, Tesla vehicles couldn’t be any further into the AI rabbit hole. Using the cars wireless connection and sophisticated mapping systems that utilise the cameras and sensors implemented into the vehicle design that surrounds the car, machine learning algorithms are able to pick up on features of the road and learn traits of a journey that is carried out to best give future drivers of that same stretch of road knowledge and understanding of what they are to expect. An example of this is if the backend of the Tesla system notices that multiple drivers are slowing their vehicle, or gradually breaking at the same certain location, all vehicles on the fleet will see that as an obstruction or a danger – even if the sensors or cameras don’t pick it up, sending out an update to break at that same very point.
Tesla vehicles work as a fleet, an interconnected network, thus when one car learns something – they all do.So far, we’ve become quite content with the small tasks we see AI gradually taking over to do with assisting us in our jobs and our regular day to day lives – whether that is through chatbots on websites that can extract the knowledge necessary from multiple sources to help the user, intelligent planners or the integrations used to make smart tech work: allowing AI to discover the behaviour of the usage carried out with those devices, to for example turn your lights off when your GPS location is showing you’ve left the house, or to turn the heating on when the temperature drops below a certain preset – these all add to easing the responsibility on our backs and making our days more efficient. Although examples of AI in action may currently look minuscule, harmless or a bit of fun – the levels to which development of AI can and will go could be far from that.In the current state of business affairs, AI-based systems are the preferential go-to when it comes to software analysis and data crunching – allowing the end user to be delivered reports and information to a level unmatched by a human touch. The software Anodot, for example, is key to assisting some of the worlds biggest companies in illuminating data blind spots they may have missed out on, calculating data to best ensure no revenue is lost or any incident gets to the point of escalation. This AI-based system is able to trawl through bulk data and analyse through machine learning, algorithms and calculations any errors – alerting you to their existence. This enables a business to be able to get a competitive and unique advantage in the material they provide or are required to produce. The future in which an advanced AI-enriched software that can pinpoint and predict circumstances such as external factors that could affect production or sales of an organisation is now the world we live in – revolutionising business outlook as we know it whilst too ensuring that organisations can keep atop of threats before they rise to the surface.
Unlike any other type of organisation, technology businesses are at the forefront of the transformation that is set to come about. With such companies seeing most of their day-to-day activities online and carried out through computers and other technological devices, the full extent of this artificial future will hit – and help these types of companies first.In the current climate, detecting viruses and malware is something that is now becoming increasingly tricky and with an increase in more sophisticated viruses being able to slip under the system, AI can now be used and is increasingly being used to come to a conclusion on what material on your system is likely to be malware. The data company Palantir builds software that interconnects data with its technology, the humans that use it and the environments of which they play, allowing them to predict crime and breaches to a system before it even happens. Following patterns and by locating complex attributes and behaviours, Palantir’s software is able to eradicate and mitigate threats. Picking up on behavioural traits of files in real-time, detecting subtle changes on your system that would not have been picked up by generic off-the-shelf antiviruses and sandboxing threat situations in the background to ensure the system is prepared, all of these avenues of defence are now possible through AI. With such sophistication, vulnerabilities can be patched before the flood rather than after, potentially saving an organisation thousands if not millions in what would have been lost revenue used to fix such dilemmas.
Customer retention is too looking to be stronger than ever before, with customer service receiving a major boost thanks to AI-based technological upgrades. With artificial intelligence becoming increasingly aware of how best to problem solve issues put ahead of it, progress in developing software to take over control of user queries and questions is nearer than we think – with a virtual deep-mind soon to be the jack-of-all-trades with knowledge on every and any problem a user may have. Organisations will no longer have to hire customer support staff to respond to the same emails again and again, leaving the AI to fix minor issues and the experts – like our IT Support London, to fix the significant problems that’ll still require a humans touch. A significantly high customer retention level, something that can easily come about with more than a handful of happy customers will see organisations thrive and the level of complaints decrease – something of a near utopian future for any problem-plagued organisation, with a trusty machine knowing everything that your customer will want to hear.It’s certain that the road to a world fully engrossed by artificial intelligence will be a long one, with the many bigger opportunities to still be unlocked and cracked as time progresses.
So should we fear the future and indeed this transformation of our technology businesses? The answer is no, we shouldn’t. The future is brighter with significant intelligence to lead us on through together and is sure to spark a true revolution in the way businesses across the world are run and managed. There undoubtedly will be a lot to fear, but with precaution and a well-planned roll-out – AI will slip into the fabric of company culture and society well.